Month: November 2011
Second Place!!
At the prestigious Annual Garden Square Awards last Thursday we received second prize in the keenly contested Small Private Square category. Only those squares who have won a prize are invited so we knew we had secured at least third but it was a great pleasure to hear we had actually won second place!
All thanks must go to the team of Peter, Jean and Maz who worked so hard to get the garden in such fine shape for the judging weekend last June. Second prize is one better than our previous best showing (in 2006) and the gardening team think that going one better is not out of reach. Bring on 2012…
Christmas Carol Party
We’re having our annual Christmas Carol Party on Monday, 12th December at 6:45pm. All square residents and their guests are welcome to come and enjoy the mulled wine and minced pies… just bring your singing voice.

As in previous years the Salvation Army Band has kindly agreed to come and play we have invited a group of soldiers from the Hyde Park Barracks to supplement our singing efforts.