Results of 2012 Lighting Poll

The results are in! We had asked how many residents supported applying for planning permission for the night-time light of the trees and, of those who voted, 80% voted yes.

We received 16 replies in total: 13 in favour, 3 against. We also had one reply that had a comment but no vote.

We have about 50 houses on the Square but about 10 are empty or being refurbished. 16 replies out of 40 isn’t too bad and we’re pleased that the voting went in favour of the proposal to keep the lights and make the planning application.

The forms will be submitted to Westminster City Council next week.



2012 AGM

Our annual residents meeting was held on 26th March at the Montpeliano restaurant, with light refreshments being provided.


  • Next year’s precept will be £32,500
  • Thames Water hosepipe ban begins on 6th April. We will investigate digging a borehole for irrigation water.
  • Tree pruning continues in rotation. This year: the bay tree at the SW corner.
  • The garden committee remains unchanged for 2012/13
  • New Byelaws have received court approval
  • Planning permission will be sought for the existing lighting installation

Next year’s meeting will be in March 2013.

Attached: AGM Minutes 26.3.12