2017 Accounts

The audited final accounts are now available for 2017.

In 2017 we had our railings repainted costing £29,000. This led to a deficit for the year of £16,579. We paint the railings about every 10-12 years.

Our aim is to have a reserve of approximately one year’s expenses on hand to deal with unforeseen expenses such as irrigation, emergency tree surgery or garden shed repairs. At present our reserves cover approximately 5 months of expenditure. At the AGM in November the precept was agreed at £47,000 in an effort to speed the rebuilding of our reserves.

Our accountants are ST Partnership who can be reached at info AT st-partnership.com

2017 Signed Accounts

2013/14 Accounts

The audited final accounts are now available for the period ending March 31, 2014.

We are in an acceptable position financially due to the efforts of the committee to keep expenditure to a minimum for the past two years. Our aim is to have a reserve of approximately one year’s expenses on hand to deal with unforeseen expenses such as irrigation, emergency tree surgery or garden shed repairs.

Our accountants are ES Partners who can be reached at edney AT globalnet.co.uk

2013/14 Signed Accounts

2012/13 Accounts

The audited final accounts are now available for the period ending March 31, 2013.

We are in an acceptable position financially due to the efforts of the committee to keep expenditure to a minimum for the past two years. Our aim is to have a reserve of approximately one year’s expenses on hand to deal with unforeseen expenses such as irrigation, emergency tree surgery or garden shed repairs.

Our accountants are Peter Edney & Co who can be reached at edney AT globalnet.co.uk

2012/13 Accounts

2013 AGM Report

Our annual residents meeting was held on 25th March at the Montpeliano restaurant, with light refreshments being provided.


  • Next year’s precept will remain at £32,500
  • The garden committee remains unchanged for 2012/13
  • No evidence of Massaria disease uncovered by two tree inspections
  • The summer garden party will be on 2nd July

Next year’s meeting will be in March 2014.

Attached: AGM Minutes 25.3.13

2013 AGM

AGMOur annual general meeting (AGM) will be held at 6:30pm on the 25th March at the Montpeliano restaurant, with light refreshments being provided.

All residents are welcome.


  1. Appointment of meeting chairman
  2. Review and approval of Minutes of AGM held on 26th March 2012
  3. Chairman’s Welcome and Introduction of new Committee members (if any)
  4. Garden Chairman’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Lighting scheme
  7. Any Other Business
  8. Provisional date for next AGM: 25 March 2014

Related Documents:

2011/12 Accounts

The audited final accounts are now available for the period ending March 31, 2012.

We are in an acceptable position financially due to the temporarily heightened level of the precept and the efforts of the committee to keep expenditure to a minimum for the past two years. Our aim is to have a reserve of approximately one year’s expenses on hand to deal with unforeseen expenses such as irrigation, emergency tree surgery or garden shed repairs.

Our accountants are Peter Edney & Co who can be reached at edney AT globalnet.co.uk

2011/12 Accounts

2012 AGM

Our annual residents meeting was held on 26th March at the Montpeliano restaurant, with light refreshments being provided.


  • Next year’s precept will be £32,500
  • Thames Water hosepipe ban begins on 6th April. We will investigate digging a borehole for irrigation water.
  • Tree pruning continues in rotation. This year: the bay tree at the SW corner.
  • The garden committee remains unchanged for 2012/13
  • New Byelaws have received court approval
  • Planning permission will be sought for the existing lighting installation

Next year’s meeting will be in March 2013.

Attached: AGM Minutes 26.3.12

Byelaws Updated

At the AGM last year we voted to update our Byelaws as the old version dates from 1959 and is showing its age.

The version of the new Byelaws that was voted on and has now been approved by a Crown Court, with the help of Pemberton Greenish, solicitors. His Honour judge Nicholas Price QC has reviewed and confirmed them as being in accordance with the Act of 1863 which governs our square garden.

Download a signed copy today!

Archive Hour

I recently came into possession of our ‘archives’ : three large cardboard boxes with the name of a well known legal firm emblazoned on the side. At first I viewed it as a burden but when I opened them and began to read I was delighted by the stories they tell.

The Montpelier Square Garden Committee was founded sometime after the Garden Square Act of 1863… our earliest document dates from 1867. We have an almost unbroken line of minutes and reports from that dim past to today. Covered in spidery handwriting for the most part and difficult to read, the original minutes book is now cushioned by acid-free tissue and only emerges on special occasions.

The archives are important because they show us how valuable the Square Garden was to the earlier residents, helping us to understand where the garden has come from and what it could become. We can see how things have changed and how the same concerns (noise, litter, garden design) arise again and again and how the earlier people handled them.

I want the archives to be more readily available to those who are interested in them so I have begun to scan the documents and you can find them online at


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